Editing|Humayun Sajjad

Next to content, formatting is the biggest priority. Make the look of your document support the meaning of your words, whether it be a numbered list, custom fonts and text or paragraph formatting.  Here are the essentials on how to edit a few basic document formats the easy way.

  • Changing Font Case in Word 2007
    To start, you may want to be efficient with the basics, like changing the font case of text you typed. This tip shows you how to do it quickly by using the interface in Word 2007.
  • Tab Key, Bulleting, Numbering, Undo, Redo, and Printing
    We all know that documents can be more than just paragraphs and sentences. Learn how to modify the formatting defaults for common Word tasks and make your document format diverse.
  • Formatting Text
    Want to create your own style? This tip shows you how by formatting text--selecting a font typeface, choosing the font size, applying effects, adjusting colors and more. A handy tip for any user looking to create a unique and professional look.
  • How to Format Paragraphs in Word 2007
    Word 2007 includes many of the old Word 2003 functions you’re used to.  The major difference between both versions is how they’re accessed. The function for formatting paragraphs is one of them. Find out how.
  • Set a Table Format for Your Entire Word Document
    Got an entire document full of tables? Need them all reformatted in the same style? This tip shows you how to access, customize and apply a default style to all the tables in your document.


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